Regional System of Providing the Psychological Health f Participants of Educational Relations: Qualimetry Aspect


  • A. A. Miroshnichenko Glazov State Pedagogical Institute n. a. V. G. Korolenko
  • D. R. Merzlyakova Udmurt State University



psychological health, participants of educational relations, pedagogical system, education system, qualimetry, group expert assessment


The paper presents the problem of assessing the psychological health of participants in educational relations. The process of preserving and strengthening the psychological health of participants in educational relations is inseparable from the educational process. Education, as an integrated process, is focused on the intellectual, spiritual, moral, creative, physical and (or) professional development of a person. Based on the analysis of theories of psychological health, the main criteria (components) of the given phenomenon are determined. The algorithm of group expert evaluation of components of psychological health is presented. The system of ensuring psychological health of participants in educational relations and its levels are considered: the level of the student, his social environment (teachers and parents), the educational organization, the municipality and the region is considered. Methods of recording the state of psychological health at each level are indicated. At the level of the trainee they are the fixing indicators of the psychological health of schoolchildren with tracking the dynamics of these criteria. At the level of the system “the parent - the trainee - the teacher” it is the identification of the specificity of the state of psychological health, taking into account age characteristics, individual and personal characteristics, as well as the characteristics of the social roles. At the level of the educational organization it is the monitoring of the psychological health of participants in educational relations, taking into account organizational risk factors. Expertise of the state of psychological health at the municipal level should be transferred to public associations of teachers on a profile basis, and at the regional level it should be comprehensive and interdepartmental.

Author Biographies

A. A. Miroshnichenko, Glazov State Pedagogical Institute n. a. V. G. Korolenko

DSc in Education, Professor

D. R. Merzlyakova, Udmurt State University

PhD in Psychology


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How to Cite

Miroshnichenko А. А., & Merzlyakova Д. Р. (2017). Regional System of Providing the Psychological Health f Participants of Educational Relations: Qualimetry Aspect. Vestnik IzhGTU Imeni M.T. Kalashnikova, 20(2), 172–176.



Educational sciences (only archive)