Retrospective Identification of the Virtual Analogues of Ballistic Missiles


  • S. N. Khramov Kalashnikov ISTU



ballistic missile, virtual analogue, design parameters, equation of existence


The development of missiles as complex technical products requires a system analysis of design parameters, tactical, performance and technical characteristics of the real rockets that have passed all the stages of the life cycle: development, production, testing, and operation. One of the effective methods of solving such problems is the analysis of design and technological documentation, as well as specific products. If for objective reasons it is impossible, you must recreate the virtual analogs of the previously created missiles. The most suitable for these purposes is a method for retrospective identification, which consists in the simulation of the investigated rockets with consistent detail of their parameters. The paper describes the identification process of the virtual analogues of single-stage ballistic missiles - from the analysis of “equation of existence” to the simulation of the trajectory of the guided single-stage ballistic missile with vertical launch, and the software change of the pitch angle and angle of attack. Parameters and characteristics are given for the virtual analogues of single-stage ballistic missile: 11 rockets with cryogenic engines with liquid fuels; 13 missiles with the engines with high boiling liquid fuels; 12 missile engines with solid fuels. By means of the least squares method polynomials are obtained for missiles with liquid fuel engine, the polynomials determining the dependence for maximum range with minimum and average values of relative masses of the fuel and the design of the propulsion system.

Author Biography

S. N. Khramov, Kalashnikov ISTU

DSc in Engineering, Professor


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How to Cite

Khramov С. Н. (2017). Retrospective Identification of the Virtual Analogues of Ballistic Missiles. Vestnik IzhGTU Imeni M.T. Kalashnikova, 20(3), 13–18.



Mechanical engineering