Mechatronic Piezoelectric Modulus for Assembly of Ceramic Taper Interference Fits


  • I. V. Abramov Kalashnikov ISTU
  • A. I. Abramov Kalashnikov ISTU
  • E. M. Fedorov Kalashnikov ISTU



mechatronics, piezoactuator, control system, taper joint, load-carrying capacity, piezoceramics, MEMS, assembly


The paper describes a mechatronic module with a hardware and software package that implements the required laws of linear piezoactuator control, ensures the piezoactuator positioning accuracy and steady operation, and it is designed to ensure the maximum load-carrying capacity of ceramic taper interference fits without destruction of bearing surfaces. Modern technical requirements for high-precision systems often include the demand that actuators of such systems should have high linear resolution at relatively high force on the force transmitting rod. In addition, such systems should ensure fixation of rod position by significant force and have high dynamic performance and low transient time. Assemblage of ceramic taper joints is a complicated process, and the load-carrying capacity of the joints depends on its accurate implementation. Design of high-precision and miniature linear micromotion actuators, based on piezoceramic stack actuator, is of great practical importance. Patent search and analysis of domestic market supply revealed that there are no piezoactuators and mechatronic units with required parameters in Russia. So, there arose a need to design such an actuator and to develop on its basis a mechatronic unit to assemble the ceramic taper interference fits. A piezoactuator- and press-fitting transfer function, required to develop the structural schematic and the mathematical model of control system, has been defined. The mathematical model describes the transient processes and relationships between piezo motor internal characteristics and press-fitting parameters. A comparative analysis of transient processes in stack- and monoblock piezo- motors is made. The equation of force interaction between parts and components of the mechatronic unit is set up. Its solution enables to determine the maximum force developed by the piezoactuator. The mechatronic unit for press-fitting of ceramic taper interference fits described in the paper ensures necessary adjustment accuracy of axial interference and fit quality.

Author Biographies

I. V. Abramov, Kalashnikov ISTU

DSc in Engineering, Professor

A. I. Abramov, Kalashnikov ISTU

PhD in Engineering

E. M. Fedorov, Kalashnikov ISTU



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How to Cite

Abramov И. В., Abramov А. И., & Fedorov Е. М. (2017). Mechatronic Piezoelectric Modulus for Assembly of Ceramic Taper Interference Fits. Vestnik IzhGTU Imeni M.T. Kalashnikova, 20(3), 43–47.



Mechanical engineering