Human Capital and the Postindustrial Tendency


  • E. A. Polishchuk Kalashnikov ISTU
  • E. E. Fomina Kalashnikov ISTU



human capital, post-industrialization, reindustrialization, innovations, NBIC-technologies


The interaction of the human capital, post-industrialization and reindustrialization are analyzed in the paper. It is shown, that the human capital acts as the major factor of innovative development. Three-step classification of development of a human civilization by O. Toffler and D. Bell is considered, in which the special attention is focused on branch structure of economy of post-industrialism where the service sector prevails. The answers to the following questions are given “what is the cause of post-industrialism?” and “how does the person himself create a new post-industrial ideology of development?”. Authors have allocated the changes that the post-industrialism has generated in the economy and the society in general. In this paper the authors reason the answers to the following questions: Where does the countertendency - reindustrialization - appear in the post-industrial world? What causes the re-industrial tendency? And why is the human capital also so important in the re-industrial economy? Opinion is stated for the fact that transformations of economy are grounded on the basis of convergence of NBIC technologies. The special attention is focused on the need for inclusion of the fifth component and creation of a new NBICS-convergence, where “S” means the social humanitarian technologies. Authors have drawn a conclusion that development of the human capital promotes strengthening of post-industrial tendencies. The special importance is gained at the same time by a social component of the human capital.

Author Biographies

E. A. Polishchuk, Kalashnikov ISTU

DSc in Economics, Associate Professor

E. E. Fomina, Kalashnikov ISTU



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How to Cite

Polishchuk Е. А., & Fomina Е. Е. (2017). Human Capital and the Postindustrial Tendency. Vestnik IzhGTU Imeni M.T. Kalashnikova, 20(3), 54–56.



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