Comparative Estimation of Methods for Realization of Wide Band Communication Network in the Short Wave Range of Radio Waves


  • I. Z. Klimov Kalashnikov ISTU



communication networks, channel characteristics, structures, radiograms, information


The analysis of variants of construction of wide band communication networks is executed, differed by types of applied signals and by the methods of their processing. It is shown that the required level of potential noise immunity in a multi-beam channel is provided by a FR highway sound barrier. The real level of noise immunity corresponds to the potential value only at optimal coherent addition of branches of carrying and ideal synchronization. On the basis of the use of RS noise based signal with the complicated structure can be realized by a wide band with the high level of quality of data transmission and protecting from the organized noises, where due to reduction of time of radiogram transfer the transmission is implemented with the frequency-time carrying by repetitions of transmission at the assigned frequencies.

Author Biography

I. Z. Klimov, Kalashnikov ISTU

DSc in Engineering, Professor


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How to Cite

Klimov И. З. (2017). Comparative Estimation of Methods for Realization of Wide Band Communication Network in the Short Wave Range of Radio Waves. Vestnik IzhGTU Imeni M.T. Kalashnikova, 20(3), 118–124.



Radio engineering and communications