Research of Cutting Processes Using the Lorentz Equation System


  • A. K. Ostapchuk Russian Academy of Natural Hoistory, Kurgan Institute of Railway Transport, branch of the Ural State University of Railway Transport
  • E. M. Kuznetsova Kurgan State University; Ural State University of Railway Transport
  • O. V. Dmitrieva Kurgan State University



triboenvironment, attractor, technological system, the Lorentz system, bifurcation, stability


This paper presents a scientific study of the stability of the technological processing system with the development of a mathematical model of the Lorenz model. The model was constructed on the basis of the parametric method developed by I. Prigogine, as well as the basic laws describing the behavior of dynamic friction systems. The model shows that in the friction system, including the engine cutter and the engine's own friction, chaotic attractors are formed under certain conditions, which indicates the presence of deterministic chaos in the system. Intervals of values of the control parameter are given, for which a stable or unstable system behavior is formed. Estimation of parameters was performed using refined Euler method in the software Mathcad 15.

Author Biographies

A. K. Ostapchuk, Russian Academy of Natural Hoistory, Kurgan Institute of Railway Transport, branch of the Ural State University of Railway Transport

PhD in Engineering

E. M. Kuznetsova, Kurgan State University; Ural State University of Railway Transport


O. V. Dmitrieva, Kurgan State University

PhD in Engineering


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How to Cite

Ostapchuk А. К., Kuznetsova Е. М., & Dmitrieva О. В. (2017). Research of Cutting Processes Using the Lorentz Equation System. Vestnik IzhGTU Imeni M.T. Kalashnikova, 20(4), 18–22.



Mechanical engineering