Cryogenic Hardening Technology for Efficiency of Processing Tools Made of Х12МФ Steel
thermal and cryogenic processing, application of PVD-coating, technology, abrasive wear, chemical testinAbstract
A comparative study of abrasive wear resistance of Х12МФ steel after hardening by using heat treatment and application technology of nanostructured PVD - coating combined with subsequent cryogenic treating is carried out. Laboratory tests and operational testing of the proposed strengthening technology have shown that the use of cryogenic treatment is an effective means of increasing the life (wear resistance) of the tool from Х12МФ steel and this type of treatment can be recommended for wider industrial use. The technology provides cooling of the metal, which has been quenched and tempered, to the temperature of liquid nitrogen, aging at this temperature and subsequent low tempering. The samples subjected to cryogenic treating are less sensitive to the increase in abrasive grain, while the wear resistance characteristics of the samples are 19-22 % higher in comparison with the samples after heat treatment. The technology of applying nanostructured PVD-coatings allows to increase the wear resistance by 51-66 % in comparison with the heat treatment technology of the samples and by 38-59 % compared to cryogenic treating. Combined PVD- coating technology and cryogenic treating allows for achieving a wear-resistance increase of 61 to 71 % compared to heat treatment and 14-20 % compared to PVD-coating (without cryogenic treating).References
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