Experimental Methods for Determination of Transmission Ratio of Plunger Transmissions with Pneumohydraulic Wave Generator


  • M. N. Karakulov Votkinsk branch of Kalashnikov ISTU
  • M. G. Isupov Votkinsk branch of Kalashnikov ISTU
  • A. S. Melnikov Votkinsk branch of Kalashnikov ISTU
  • A. A. Zharkova Votkinsk branch of Kalashnikov ISTU




plunger transmissions, experiment, transmission ratio, kinematic error, gas-mechanical wave-former


Now there is an experience of using plunger transmissions in actuators for control of valves of gas and oil pipelines. The kinematic error of the reducing unit has a significant effect on their characteristics in the case of using these drives to regulate the flow of the transported substance. Questions of the experimental determination of the kinematic error of a reducing unit of drives using the potential energy of the transported substance have not been adequately studied. The method of experimental determination of the transmission ratio of a plunger gear is proposed. The results of the determination of the kinematic error of the plunger transmission of the experimental product with a gas-mechanical wave generator are presented. The functional structure of the stand for carrying out experimental studies of the transmission ratio of plunger transmissions operating as part of units equipped with a gas-mechanical wave generator is described. An analysis is made of the features of the application of a gas-mechanical wave-former with a spool-like pressure distribution principle. The features of the experiment are revealed, in connection with the lack of the need to solve the problem aimed at determining the explicit rotational speed of the spool shaft and the cogwheel. We consider the sequence of processing the results of the experimental determination of the transmission ratio and the detection of the cycle and half cycle of the kinematic error of the plunger transmission. The reliability of experimental results is estimated, its relative and absolute errors are determined.

Author Biographies

M. N. Karakulov, Votkinsk branch of Kalashnikov ISTU

DSc in Engineering, Associate Professor

M. G. Isupov, Votkinsk branch of Kalashnikov ISTU

DSc in Engineering, Associate Professor

A. S. Melnikov, Votkinsk branch of Kalashnikov ISTU

A. A. Zharkova, Votkinsk branch of Kalashnikov ISTU



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How to Cite

Karakulov М. Н., Isupov М. Г., Melnikov А. С., & Zharkova А. А. (2017). Experimental Methods for Determination of Transmission Ratio of Plunger Transmissions with Pneumohydraulic Wave Generator. Vestnik IzhGTU Imeni M.T. Kalashnikova, 20(4), 26–30. https://doi.org/10.22213/2413-1172-2017-4-26-30



Mechanical engineering