Research of Incentive Measures to Support the Creation and Development of Industrial Parks at the Federal and Regional Levels


  • O. L. Simchenko Kalashnikov ISTU



incentive measures, industrial parks, government support, non-financial measures, financial measures, priority evaluation


The priority development of regions is now fixed as one of the goals of the state policy. Due to the fact that at present the regions are in different conditions of budget provision and do not always have the opportunity to allocate funds from federal and regional budgets for the implementation of programs or activities aimed at the development of industry, including the development of industrial infrastructure, new mechanisms for interaction of federal and Regional authorities are needed. The paper examines the existing measures to support the creation and development of industrial parks as a promising area of the industrial infrastructure of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, which makes it possible to effectively use the available educational, scientific, production and test facilities in the regions for the development and production of various purpose items. Particular attention is paid to the functional systematization of measures to support industrial parks. The results of the assessment of the priority of implementing the financial and non-financial support measures for industrial parks by pilot and other regions are presented. Based on the questionnaire data, the average score for each of the events is shown. The most popular and priority measures to support industrial parks at the federal and regional levels were noted with the aim of increasing the industrial potential.

Author Biography

O. L. Simchenko, Kalashnikov ISTU



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How to Cite

Simchenko О. Л. (2017). Research of Incentive Measures to Support the Creation and Development of Industrial Parks at the Federal and Regional Levels. Vestnik IzhGTU Imeni M.T. Kalashnikova, 20(4), 43–46.



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