Analysis of Mistakes Made by Modern Online Stores
online store, Internet commerce, analysis of problems, content, website promotionAbstract
This paper describes the history of the development of Internet commerce in Russia, and mistakes of entrepreneurs selling goods and services through a global network. Analysis of the most common mistakes at opening online stores is performed. This analysis is based on the opinions of the owners of such business, which they expressed in forums devoted to online trading, as well as on the papers published on this subject. Basing on the identified errors, recommendations were formulated for those wishing to create their own business on the Internet and for those who want to improve an already existing online store. This paper tells about the right choice of assortment and suppliers, about the necessary functions of the site of the online store, how to create a unique offer in its segment of the market. Besides all of the above, the text of the paper allows for learning about the importance of a unique content to promote the store in search engines, as well as the costs, which can be saved at the initial stages of operation. The results of this analysis are important for further development of the system methods of creating online stores, which will be a kind of instruction for online store opening without large investments.References
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