D. M. Kostin, Post-graduate, Kalashnikov ISTU Transformation of Criteria for Assessing the Effectiveness of OSH Management Systems: Traditional and Modern Approaches


  • B. V. Sevastyanov Kalashnikov ISTU
  • D. M. Kostin Kalashnikov ISTU




occupational safety and health management system, continuous improvement


Continuous improvement, increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of OSH management systems, is one of the elements, the basic principle and purpose of their operation. The development of objective, reliable, informative and practically applicable criteria for assessing the effectiveness of such systems is one of the directions of scientific and practical activity. Criteria for assessing the effectiveness of such systems, approaches to their development have undergone changes in the process of changing the philosophy of management in general and the transition from the so-called “Traditional” (Soviet) to modern OSH management systems. The aim of the work is a comparative analysis of the essence and content of approaches to the development of criteria for the effectiveness of OSH management systems in the domestic industry in their dynamics. The systems of indicators of effectiveness evaluation (effectiveness), applied in the late Soviet period (1970th - early 1990s) and in the post-Soviet period are compared. It has been established that the methods for evaluating OSH management systems in “traditional” systems mainly operated on quantitative negative indicators aimed at measuring the number of realized risks and assessing damage (the “reactive” valuation methodology). In the work the updated modern principles of development of criteria of an estimation of efficiency of control systems of a labor safety, including the risk-oriented approach, the system approach, the combination of “active” and “passive” indicators, and others are analyzed. Some author's methods for measuring the state and monitoring the dynamics of the effectiveness of OSH management systems are considered. Particular attention is paid to the role and place of socio-psychological indicators of a qualitative assessment of the effectiveness of such systems in enterprises. A conclusion was drawn about the nature, extent and reasons for borrowing the experience of “traditional” occupational safety management systems in modern industry. Objective reasons that prevent the introduction of progressive innovations are outlined, some ways of overcoming them are stated.

Author Biographies

B. V. Sevastyanov, Kalashnikov ISTU

DSc in Engineering, Professor

D. M. Kostin, Kalashnikov ISTU



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How to Cite

Sevastyanov Б. В., & Kostin Д. М. (2017). D. M. Kostin, Post-graduate, Kalashnikov ISTU Transformation of Criteria for Assessing the Effectiveness of OSH Management Systems: Traditional and Modern Approaches. Vestnik IzhGTU Imeni M.T. Kalashnikova, 20(4), 91–94. https://doi.org/10.22213/2413-1172-2017-4-91-94



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