The System of Management of Science, Innovations and High Technologies in the Process of Implementing the Sixth Technological Order


  • R. A. Galiakhmetov Kalashnikov ISTU
  • M. R. Galiakhmetova Kalashnikov ISTU
  • M. I. Fayzulin Kalashnikov ISTU



innovations, the sixth technological structure, region, enterprise


This paper examines the problems of forming a system of modern approaches to managing innovative processes in the Udmurt Republic, which, in addition to the main goals and objectives, should identify priority investment projects for enterprises, industry, defense industry and infrastructure development, reflect the ways of developing new activities and creating conditions for attracting companies in priority sectors of the economy. Ways of improving the efficiency of enterprises are proposed by increasing the labor productivity and introduction of new production technologies. The problems of the development of new technologies are clearly characterized and highlighted, such as: the outdated structure of innovative expenditures of enterprises aimed mainly at technical re-equipment; there are no links with enterprises, research organizations and universities, consulting firms, cooperation partners; the innovative infrastructure of the region is not fully developed; the problems of training personnel for scientific, scientific and technical, and innovative activities in the Udmurt Republic have not been resolved; it is not possible to systematically conduct scientific research on priority areas for the development of science, technology and technology related to the implementation of the Concept of the Social and Economic Development of the Udmurt Republic for 2015-2025; the complex of organizational and financial mechanisms of targeted development in the interests of the region's economy of scientific, scientific, technical and innovative activities has not been fully developed. Areas of implementation of program activities on promotion of innovations in the Udmurt Republic are outlined.

Author Biographies

R. A. Galiakhmetov, Kalashnikov ISTU

DSc in Economics, Professor

M. R. Galiakhmetova, Kalashnikov ISTU

PhD in Economics, Associate Professor

M. I. Fayzulin, Kalashnikov ISTU


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How to Cite

Galiakhmetov Р. А., Galiakhmetova М. Р., & Fayzulin М. И. (2018). The System of Management of Science, Innovations and High Technologies in the Process of Implementing the Sixth Technological Order. Vestnik IzhGTU Imeni M.T. Kalashnikova, 21(1), 27–29.


