Economy of Organizations in Modern Conditions


  • S. Y. Ilyin Russian State University named after A. N. Kosygin (Technology. Design. Art), Moscow Technological Institute



diversification of activities, cooperation, infrastructure, promotion of employees, consumption of embodied capital, productive forces, innovation, intensive method of management


The paper reveals the regularities, characteristic for the functioning of the organizations as the primary microeconomic level, the current economic environment, prevailing trends in the implementation of their activities in the era of advanced scientific and technological achievements. The author's attention is focused on diversification of activities, cooperation relations, the infrastructure, the work incentives of employees, consumption of embodied capital, the productive forces, innovation, intensive method of management. When interpreting the relevance of these provisions the following issues are emphasized: the dynamic and organic process of division of labor, inalienability of infrastructure branches from each other, the evolution of living and materialized costs of the circulation of economic resources, serving as a basis for creating a toolkit for the calculation of the qualitative development of the economy of modern organizations due to the overall (integral) index and of partial indices, which enable the objective analysis of activities and competitiveness in the occupied market segments. The total figure is embodied in the change of production due to the amount of resource, technological and management expenses per unit of output, while private indicators of the change of volume of production in the context of each individual species. This structure of effective and factor indicators fully meets the current economic laws and is aimed at obtaining complete and accurate information by organizations to make economic adjustments. The material is useful for managers, specialists, workers of education and science, and students of economic and managerial fields of knowledge.

Author Biography

S. Y. Ilyin, Russian State University named after A. N. Kosygin (Technology. Design. Art), Moscow Technological Institute

PhD in Economics, Associate Professor


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How to Cite

Ilyin С. Ю. (2018). Economy of Organizations in Modern Conditions. Vestnik IzhGTU Imeni M.T. Kalashnikova, 21(1), 30–31.


