Using of the Linguistic-Geographical Information System “Dialect” in the Educational Process (Using for Example of Subject “Technologies of Processing of the Text and Sounding Speech”)
sound files, dialects, digital representation, educational processAbstract
The paper describes the multimedia part of the corpus of Russian dialects in Udmurtia (linguistic-geographical information system “Dialect”) and the use of the possibilities of the dialects corpus in the educational process. The corpus is based on the platform of the linguistic-geographical information system “Dialect”, which allows for storing dialect material in various forms (the certified lexical data collected according to the program of the lexical atlas of Russian folk dialects, transcribed speech recordings of dialects, audio and video recordings of conversations with informants), view (listen) records, mark dialect words in the texts, represent dialect vocabulary on a scalable linguistic map, and in the form of articles of the electronic vocabulary. It is presented that within the framework of lectures and practical trainings of the course "Technologies of text processing and sounding speech", developed for students of the direction of 45.03.03 "Fundamental and Applied Linguistics", students receive and consolidate knowledge about the basic technologies of automatic processing of written and oral texts in the database of the information system "Dialect". Processing and preparation for loading of a dialect material are described; the volume of the database of the used information system and interface of the linguistic-geographical information system “Dialect” are considered. It is planned that in the future the knowledge and practical experience gained in the automatic processing of sounding speech can serve as a basis for students to write course and final qualification papers.References
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Лингвогеографическая система «Диалект»: история создания, новые возможности, технологические решения, демонстрация данных…