Use of Musical Clarity in the Process of Forming English-Speaking Lexical Competence among Vietnamese Students and Russian Schoolchildren


  • D. I. Ershov



modular training, musical visualization, semantics of lexical units, semantic field of psychological features of a person, relaxation, mental stress, low chart of classes


The paper is devoted to developing and testing methods of using the musical visibility in forming the English lexical competence of Vietnamese students and Russian pupils. Almost all people love listening to music because it creates an uncontested emotional background that can improve memory, adjust the thinking process to the desired, positive way, which allows for increasing significantly the kinds of mental and physical activities, in which a person can be engaged. All this allows us to use the music component in the EFL classroom management, and in shaping English lexical competence of Vietnamese students by using the comparative linguistic analysis method where English and Vietnamese songs can be used in parallel by means of doing a variety of exercises. Music improves a person’s memory, contributes to the formation of receptive and productive skills in learning a foreign language. It also promotes intensification and optimization of the process of foreign language teaching. In science there is a concept of pedagogical culture, introduced into the usage by E. V. Bondarevskaya, which means “the dynamic system of pedagogical values, ways of activity and professional activity of the teacher”, and the pedagogical culture finds its practical embodiment in: the pedagogical position and personal qualities; professional knowledge and culture of pedagogical thinking; professional skills and creative character of pedagogical activity; self-regulation of the individual and the culture of her professional behavior. All this indicates the beginning of the application of an interdisciplinary and meta-subject approach to the study of the personality of the teacher and his activities. In this paper, we develop this concept of studying the personality of the teacher and his activities using the example of teaching Vietnamese students using an interdisciplinary, culturological approach that allows us to use in teaching such an important element of culture as musical visibility.

Author Biography

D. I. Ershov,


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How to Cite

Ershov Д. И. (2018). Use of Musical Clarity in the Process of Forming English-Speaking Lexical Competence among Vietnamese Students and Russian Schoolchildren. Vestnik IzhGTU Imeni M.T. Kalashnikova, 21(1), 116–122.


