Taxonomic Model of Mathematical Competences of Undergraduate Students in a Technical University
competence, mathematical competences, types of mathematical competences, model of forming mathematical competences of a bachelor student at a technical universityAbstract
The paper discusses that the results of training in the Federal State Educational Standard (FSES) are presented in terms of a competence approach, and therefore they can not be measured. The lack of measuring instruments for the results of student training in the mathematics discipline does not make it possible to establish the conformity of the preparation of the future bachelor to the specified requirements of the FSES. The paper presents the taxonomic model of mathematical competences of undergraduate students in a technical university, the list of which was developed by the method of group expert assessments. The model provides for the formation of three groups of mathematical competencies: basic, methodological, creative. Each group of mathematical competences is represented by activity and cognitive components. The hierarchical structure of mathematical competencies corresponds to the model of their formation. The proposed list of mathematical competencies is generalized. To realize the purposes of diagnosing the degree of competence formation, it is necessary to specify them in the context of a particular topic of the discipline. The considered model of mathematical competencies allows for specifying the goals of training formulate recommendations for the optimal formation of the system of competences, optimize the process of teaching students.References
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