Interactive Teaching in the International Classroom at Technical Universities
interactive teaching, intercultural communication, competency in foreign language, foreign students, technical universityAbstract
The paper contributes to the problem of interactive teaching in the international classroom at technical universities. The objective of the paper is to justify the need for international classroom when teaching foreign language by presenting the results of an experiment conducted at Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University. To evaluate the efficacy of interactive teaching in the international classroom, we used quantitative and qualitative assessment. A set of quantitative pre- and post-surveys were administered for students in order to evaluate their learning outcomes and competencies development. Students’ motivation and attitudes were evaluated through questionnaires, interviews and discussions. The experiment results demonstrate progressive development of students’ vital professional competencies, and that allows us to conclude that proposed methods are effective for preparing them for the future career. Students’ feedback on participating in the international classroom was positive: in their opinion, interactive learning together with foreign students contributes to overcoming the language barrier, and facilitates the development of spontaneous speech and intercultural communication skills. Besides, improvements in specified skills in English are also supported by students’ self-assessment results and teachers’ observation. Based on the results of the experiment, the paper provides some recommendations for organizing interactive classroom activities with the participation of foreign students.References
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