Analysis of Mode of Deformation for Spiroid Gears under Peak Loads
LTCA, spiroid gear, loaded contact, plastic crumplingAbstract
The paper describes the analysis of heavy-loaded low-speed multi-pair spiroid gears under the effect of elastic contact, bending and shearing, and elastoplastic contact interaction of gearwheel teeth and worm threads. Rejection from the finite-element method widely used for solving the problems of loaded tooth contact is substantiated. Analysis of elastically and plastically loaded gears is considered as the set of two problems: traditional analysis of the elastically loaded contact and synthesis, that is, the search for the required geometry of plastically deformed surfaces of spiroid gears. The developed algorithm for analysis of load distribution with account of elastic and elastoplastic contact condition, multi-pair contact and macro-roughnesses on contacting surfaces is presented. Allowances taken within the development of the algorithm are described. Choice of the allowable contact stress that considers the complex geometrical profile of contacting surfaces is described. The proposed algorithm allowed for obtaining the numerical results presented as diagrams and demonstrating the workability of the algorithm and the clarity of the obtained results. The presented information on operation of heavy-loaded low-speed spiroid gears proves the veracity of the proposed algorithm. Recommendations on contact localization on work surfaces of spiroid gears are given.References
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