Analysis of the Development of Individual Modular Automatic Weapons


  • S. A. Pisarev Kalashnikov ISTU
  • D. S. Romanov Kalashnikov ISTU



analysis, modular weapons, trends, development, weapon system, classification, design


The analysis of the development of an external module with automatic weapons and work on the creation of modular machines is performed by the department of “Small arms” at the Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University. Examples of modular assault rifles created in developed countries, such as the USA, Germany, Austria are given. It is shown that at present the creation of modular automatic weapons is a global trend, because of the possibility of many functional applications in a fairly wide range of combat operations of infantry units. It was noted that the concept of a modular car with replaceable shafts and a system of modular automatic weapons for different types of cartridges, as well as the design of modular machines, were first developed in our country at the Department of Rifle Arms of the Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University. It is noteworthy that in the new design of machines and the modular weapon system (modular, modular rifle, modular hand cannon), it is planned to use the spent components of weapons by famous M. T. Kalashnikov, E. F. Dragunov. The paper presents new conceptual frameworks and a functional and structural classification of modular weapons that contribute to understanding of the structure and prospects for the development of this type of weapon.

Author Biographies

S. A. Pisarev, Kalashnikov ISTU

DSc in Engineering, PhD in Economics, Professor

D. S. Romanov, Kalashnikov ISTU



Обоснование актуальности модульной схемы автомата / Б. А. Якимович, С. А. Писарев, Д. В. Чирков, Р. Р. Фархетдинов // Вестник ИжГТУ имени М. Т. Калашникова. 2015. № 3. С. 24-26.

Якимович Б. А., Писарев С. А., Фархетдинов Р. Р. Анализ тенденций развития стрелкового оружия на примере общевойсковых автоматов // Вестник Академии военных наук. 2015. № 4. С. 100-110.

Системный алгоритм, описывающий подход к разработке концепции автомата нового поколения / Б. А. Якимович, С. А. Писарев, Д. В. Чирков, Р. Р. Фархетдинов // Вестник Академии военных наук. 2016. № 4. С. 111-118.

Якимович Б. А., Писарев С. А., Фархетдинов Р. Р. Указ. соч.

Там же.

Системный алгоритм, описывающий подход к разработке концепции автомата нового поколения…

Легендарное огнестрельное оружие. URL: steyr.html (дата обращения: 18.02.2017).

Обоснование актуальности модульной схемы автомата…



How to Cite

Pisarev С. А., & Romanov Д. С. (2018). Analysis of the Development of Individual Modular Automatic Weapons. Vestnik IzhGTU Imeni M.T. Kalashnikova, 21(2), 31–36.


