Identification of Virtual Analogs of Liquid Rocket Fuels
liquid rocket fuel, virtual analogue, polynomial models, thermodynamic characteristicsAbstract
The task set by the Concept of modernization of education is to improve the quality of training of specialists for the defense complex by the availability of accessible and reliable information about the technical characteristics and the actual results achieved by the previous professional activities of developers of complex technical systems, including aircrafts (ballistic missiles) various by the design and purpose. The retrospective identification of virtual analogues of ballistic missiles is based on reliable information about the characteristics of the rocket fuels used in them. The paper describes the process of identifying the virtual counterparts of two-component high-boiling liquid rocket fuels used for single-stage ballistic missiles. Using the methods of planning theory for computational experiments the parameters of the polynomial models of thermodynamic characteristics of combustion products are obtained necessary for the identification of characteristics of ballistic missiles. The determining factors in the organization of a three-level full factorial computational experiment were the mass ratio of the components and the pressure in the combustion chamber. The pressure 0.1 MPa was chosen as the calculated pressure at the nozzle. Flow in a rocket engine nozzle is taken to be one-dimensional and the equilibrium, the rate of isentrope is calculated according to the parameters of the critical section and the nozzle exit. Losses due to heat transfer and friction in the boundary layer are not taken into account. According to the results of computational experiments for seven high-boiling propellants of single-stage ballistic missiles the coefficients of polynomial models of thermodynamic characteristics of combustion products are determined: temperature and molar mass in the combustion chamber, the rate of isentrope during expansion in a supersonic nozzle, and the specific thrust of the current regime.References
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