Management Organizations in the Modern Conditions
differentiation of management activities, transformation management technologies, expansion of the list of management functions, organic management structureAbstract
The paper includes the laws inherent to the current landscape governing the functioning of the management system of organizations with huge economic importance. The content of the information is based on the differentiation of management activities, transformation management technologies, the expansion of the list of management functions, parallelism management practices, the gradual increase in the role of organic management structure. The process of uncovering the essence of these laws we deal with the different types of the modified structure, formalization, consolidation, directional methods, flexibility of management in relation to the current economic conditions being the starting point for building tools for the calculation of the qualitative development of management of modern organizations due to the integral indicator obtained by summing overhead, general and non-manufacturing expenses per unit of output, and local parameters, determined by their species. These indicators can provide organizations the opportunity to analyze and identify all required reserves on optimization of its management system, as they entirely meet the laws of modern management, which must meet stringent requirements related to scientific and technological achievements and high level of competition. The information is useful for the managers of all administrative units, researchers, teachers and students (doctoral students, graduate students, undergraduates, students), relevant to the economic and managerial fields of knowledge.References
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