Research of Economic Functions of Controlling in the Enterprise Management System


  • A. N. Bagrovnikova Kalashnikov ISTU



controlling, control, controlling functions, controlling objectives, managerial role, effective management, enterprise


The necessity for introduction of controlling in any enterprise in the current economic conditions can be explained by the following reasons: the growing instability of the external environment makes new demands on the enterprise management system; the change of the orientation of controlling from the analysis of the past to the analysis of the future; the need to continuously monitor the internal and external environment of the enterprise, effectively ensure the avoidance of the crisis situation in the enterprise, as well as the coordination of the enterprise management system. Economic functions of controlling in the modern concept of industrial enterprise management are considered. On the basis of the conducted research the author offers his own vision of the correlation of functions and objectives of controlling. Specifics of controlling functions in the process of enterprise management are specified, and the author’s definition of controlling is given. Analytic comparison of the concepts “controlling” and “control” is carried out. At present, in a constantly changing external environment, the controlling system must ensure timely and effective provision of information to managers for the subsequent adoption of optimal management decisions. For proper compliance with these requirements controlling is to be provided with tools, namely, a system of targets, the analysis of the dynamics of the implementation plan, and the evaluation of the main targets should be developed, as well as the report of the controllers’ unit on the implementation of business strategy should be given. These tools allow for ensuring the controlling process at the proper level. The relevance of the research topic can be explained by the fact that modern controlling as a set of coordination, integration and management processes not only contributes to the effective functioning of the enterprise, but also provides synthesis of accounting, control and economic analysis. Thus, the purpose of this paper is to examine the economic functions of controlling, providing the process of the enterprise management, such as coordination, control, analysis and information support. Based on the results of the study, a conclusion is made about the need to introduce controlling as a mechanism for managing the sustainable development of an enterprise.

Author Biography

A. N. Bagrovnikova, Kalashnikov ISTU


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How to Cite

Bagrovnikova А. Н. (2018). Research of Economic Functions of Controlling in the Enterprise Management System. Vestnik IzhGTU Imeni M.T. Kalashnikova, 21(2), 75–82.


