Development of the Mechanism of Integration of Information and Analytic Instruments of Infrastructure Support for Small Enterprises in the Process of Business-Incubation


  • I. V. Matveeva Kalashnikov ISTU



infrastructure support for small enterprises, information and analytic instruments, integration mechanism, process of business incubation, business incubator


In the conditions of formation of the information economy, one of the main tasks of improving the infrastructure support for entrepreneurial business is the development of information and analytic support for small enterprises, which is disclosed in the qualitative use of information and analytic instruments. An information and analytic instrument is a set of implemented information and analytic services provided by business incubators in the framework of infrastructure support for small enterprises and grouped according to their functional purpose. The author outlined the main information and analytic instruments: consulting, training, expert support, event-monitoring, and offered to improve the provision of information and analytic services through their remote and integrated application of online support. The author has developed and described a mechanism for integrating information and analytic instruments for the infrastructure support for small enterprises in the business incubation process, which includes three main stages: preparatory, main and final. Each of the stages of integration is considered by the business incubator and the small enterprise. The main idea of the proposed integration mechanism is the improvement of online support for small businesses through the remote and integrated use of the above-mentioned information and analytic instruments. By the remote application of information and analytic instruments (consulting, training, expert support, event-monitoring), in our view, in the long term, economic, social and managerial effect can be achieved.

Author Biography

I. V. Matveeva, Kalashnikov ISTU


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How to Cite

Matveeva И. В. (2018). Development of the Mechanism of Integration of Information and Analytic Instruments of Infrastructure Support for Small Enterprises in the Process of Business-Incubation. Vestnik IzhGTU Imeni M.T. Kalashnikova, 21(2), 83–89.


