The Development of Industrial Production of Perm Region


  • M. B. Makarova Perm National Research Polytechnic University
  • Y. S. Balyanova Perm National Research Polytechnic University
  • I. G. Sevastyanova Perm National Research Polytechnic University



high technology enterprises, branches of specialization, import substitution, points of growth, territorial clusters


Market transformations of industrial enterprises and creation of prerequisites for sustainable growth require concentration of efforts on the development of high-tech industries and knowledge-based enterprises, providing protection and strengthening strategic positions of vital sectors of the economy. The regional scenario of the constructive inclusion of the industrial sphere in the new economic cooperation of the country is possible when the enterprises are oriented to the needs of the sales markets in Russia and abroad, creating the main economic and technological poles of growth and ensuring import substitution in a number of specialization sectors. In this paper the authors consider the profiling industries of the industry specialization of Perm Region. The main role in the economy of the region belongs to the enterprises of the military-industrial complex and the extractive industry. The dynamics of industrial production of the region for the period 2013-2016 is described. In the rating of the main competitors of the Privolzhsky Federal District in terms of industrial output, the region ranks fourth. The basic tendencies on the decision of a problem of import substitution of national and regional economy are allocated. A significant reserve for reducing the import dependence of the Russian economy is available in the machine tool building, heavy engineering and oil and gas engineering. The economy of the region is oriented to exporting products of the chemical industry, mineral fertilizers, wood and pulp and paper products. The main points of growth involved in the implementation of scientific and technical programs and projects for priority areas of science, technology and technology of the Russian Federation are given. The leading corporate industrial and production rocket clusters “Technopolis Novy Zvezdny” on the basis of PJSC Proton-PM and fiber optic technologies Photonics on the basis of PJSC Perm Scientific and Production Instrument Company are a powerful tool for effective economic development and technological modernization of the industrial sector of the region. The development of clusters of companies helps to minimize selective methods of state support for individual structure-forming enterprises. In line with the orientation towards solving regional and state problems, the Perm region can claim the position of one of the “locomotives” of the modern national economy.

Author Biographies

M. B. Makarova, Perm National Research Polytechnic University

Master’s Degree Student

Y. S. Balyanova, Perm National Research Polytechnic University

Master’s Degree Student

I. G. Sevastyanova, Perm National Research Polytechnic University

DSc in Engineering, Professor


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How to Cite

Makarova М. Б., Balyanova Ю. С., & Sevastyanova И. Г. (2018). The Development of Industrial Production of Perm Region. Vestnik IzhGTU Imeni M.T. Kalashnikova, 21(2), 110–115.


