Socio-Economic Aspect of Complex Reconstruction
reconstruction, economic efficiency, comprehensive reconstruction, efficiency assessment, housingAbstract
The problem of the reconstruction of residential buildings is considered from the point of view of both construction and municipal organizations, as well as investors, as well as from the point of view of the tenants of these houses, in which the complex reconstruction is supposed. It includes consideration of all external and internal factors affecting the building in the process of its operation, and a systematic approach, which means making decisions on choosing the most rational methods and technologies for the reconstruction of residential buildings. Every year the issue of reconstruction of five-story houses is becoming more serious. Most of the five-story residential buildings of the first mass series are morally obsolete, and on the conclusion of the technical survey and to a large extent have a huge amount of signs of physical depreciation, although the life cycle has not yet been completed. The socioeconomic aspect of reconstruction is due to the fact that most of the housing stock is not fully repaired in a timely manner, as a result of which it physically and morally grows old. As a result, the level and quality of life in these houses falls. The purpose of this study is to create an economic model of reconstruction, with subsequent calculations of its cost. The goal was achieved thanks to the theoretical methods of collecting information, as well as estimates that clearly demonstrate the benefits of the reconstruction of houses, due to the construction of additional floors and their sale to new residents. In conclusion, it was found that due to the economic system of reconstruction of apartment houses, residents pay only for increasing the living space, and the rest of the repair work is paid off by selling attic floors. This system is applicable in the city of Izhevsk, due to the fact that its economic system is simple and accessible to any organization.References
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