Promising Areas of Strategic Management of the Bakery Industry


  • O. V. Abasheva Kalashnikov ISTU
  • N. A. Timshina Kalashnikov ISTU



bakery industry, strategic management, rational consumption norms, diversification growth strategy


The bakery industry is the main branch of the food industry. The development of this industry has a strategic goal of the state. State programs for supporting the development of the grain industry have been determined. This paper considers the current state of the baking industry. To date, there has been a decline in the production of bread products. Comparative dynamics of production volumes in Russia, the Udmurt Republic and the Kirov region are presented. Rational norms of consumption of bread products are determined. Comparison of recommended norms with real volumes of consumption is carried out. The analysis of consumer prices for grain products was carried out, as well as the turnover of retail trade in bread and bakery products. It is revealed that at present the enterprises of the grain industry are increasingly oriented to the needs of consumers with increasing demands on the quality of products against the background of a reduction in average per capita consumption, significant changes in the market conditions, increasing prices and increasing competition between enterprises. To do this, the managers of these enterprises need to significantly strengthen their position in the market, while developing the necessary measures and applying development strategies. The paper proposed a strategy of diversification growth, which implied the expansion of the assortment of grain products. This strategy allowed the company to accelerate the following changes in business: adjusting to the pace of changes in consumer demand, the emergence of new business opportunities, the development and introduction of new technologies, thereby improving the situation of the enterprises of the grain industry.

Author Biographies

O. V. Abasheva, Kalashnikov ISTU

PhD in Economics

N. A. Timshina, Kalashnikov ISTU



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How to Cite

Abasheva О. В., & Timshina Н. А. (2018). Promising Areas of Strategic Management of the Bakery Industry. Vestnik IzhGTU Imeni M.T. Kalashnikova, 21(2), 121–125.


