Theoretical and Methodological Aspects of the Effectiveness of Project and Program Management in the Military-Industrial Complex
military-industrial complex, experimental-series production, project and software management, scientific approaches to management, integration production controlAbstract
The paper deals with theoretical and methodological aspects of the effectiveness of design and software management in the military-industrial complex. The author reveals the key elements of the application of the project method of management of the military-industrial complex in conjunction with the programming of modern management processes, which will allow to get a quick response to the production of competitive products in the world of the domestic complex and thus ensure the necessary defense capability of the country. Through the innovative system of science and technology, based on the requirements of the geopolitical situation and the extent to which the national economy can fulfill the needs of the Armed Forces at the required innovative level, a concept of the innovativeness of the enterprises of the military-industrial complex is defined. In addition, taking into account the peculiarities of the enterprises of the military-industrial complex, the basic approaches to reducing the time during the programmable passage of stages from the development of design documentation to serial production of a product within a specific project are proposed, which is implemented through pilot production, which is programmed at the technological and managerial levels. On the basis of this, the conclusion is made about the effectiveness of the integration approach, which allows enterprises of the military-industrial complex to form an effective innovative control system of pilot production.References
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