Integrative Quality Control of Wet Tantalum Capacitors Terminal Welding
tantalum capacitor, welding, wire, terminal, quality, defectAbstract
In order to assess the quality of wet tantalum capacitors positive and negative wire welding and to consider the need for preventive or remedial actions, the integrative quality control of terminal welding has been accomplished in this paper by the method of tantalum capacitors quality control based on assessment of returned products, design and technology, production and human factors. Having estimated and analyzed the returned products the need for assessment of the welding quality for the negative wire is identified. Using the full factorial experiment on the operation “welding of the cathode terminal to the capacitor case” to identify the most effective modes for the quality of the weld, the quantitative effect of the process characteristics was investigated and the regression model was constructed. The dependence on the energy parameters of welding has been revealed. The welding current and pressure on the welding surfaces are the most influencing on the operation quality, the inert gas feed zone also contributes to the temperature field of the weld zone, but to a lesser extent compared to the energetic parameters of the welding modes. On the results of the approbation it can be concluded that the methodology of a systemic integrative quality analysis of the tantalum capacitors quality can be applied to assess the quality of tantalum capacitors at the production stage (for improving the technological processes), at design modification and for the usage stage, and can give an economic effect. Integrative control of the set of parameters at the stage of production, testing and operation makes it possible to exclude the transfer of the low-quality product to consumers.References
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Там же.