The Concept of the Subject Focused Optimization of Technological Processes of Production of the Range of Construction Materials
multialternative, assortment of building materials, building structures, technological production process, optimization algorithms, multi-objective management tasks, sub-oriented pricingAbstract
Issues of insolvency of the old paradigm for managing the technological process for the production of an assortment of construction materials, which are being built on the establishment of regulatory requirements for the characteristics of the material and the retention of this production process in it, are discussed. The urgency of the transition to a new reasonable production of a range of building materials designed for the manufacture of concrete types of building structures and differing in terms of the functional purpose and operating conditions of structural elements in the real estate object and subsequent formalization of these requirements to the characteristics of the material is proved. A model of a set of alternatives for a building material is proposed to be obtained by performing an orthogonal experiment in the range of the selected parameters for controlling the production process using a given technology. The process of selecting the optimal building material on the presented set of alternatives is proposed to be implemented on the basis of taking into account the opinions of the consumer and the producer with respect to the final product. Also, in accordance with this concept, the development of algorithms for solving the problem of subject-oriented multi-objective optimization is proposed, whose work is aimed at finding the optimal alternative for the market participants in the production of an alternative in the ratio of price and quality. When assessing the effectiveness of the proposed assortment approach in solving the problem of optimizing the technological process for the production of building materials, it is proved that it is expedient to reasonably expand a number of material alternatives that are promising for a long-term perspective, due to a justified departure from the area of carrying out the orthogonal experiment.References
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