Relationship of Hazardous Conditions and Dangerous Actions of Personnel as the Causes of Fire Risk in Fuel Depots


  • D. M. Kostin Kalashnikov ISTU
  • B. V. Sevast’yanov Kalashnikov ISTU
  • R. O. Shadrin Kalashnikov ISTU



occupational safety and health management system, dangerous conditions, dangerous actions, fuel depots, industrial safety


An analysis of the information of the accidents that occurred at the petrochemical and oil refining facilities of the oil industry in the Russian Federation and the USSR in the late period was carried out. The aim of the work is to establish the ratio of hazardous production conditions and dangerous personnel actions, as the causes of accident and injuries in the oil industry, which is one of the most high-risk. Analysis of the causes of accidents in the oil product warehouses showed that the basic of the majority is the human factor, lack of production control, noncompliance with labor pro-tection rules, negligence. The main causes of fires at oil depots are violations of safety regulations, poor quality assembly and repair of equipment, violation of the rules of technological regulations, poor lightning protection, equip-ment wear. The causes of accidents are most often ignoring the safety requirements of those responsible for organization and conducting work. The data given in the work indicate that at present the hazardous production ac-tions of personnel as the causes of accidents and industrial injuries dominate over hazardous production conditions. The received results are recommended to consider at creation and improvement of a control system of a labor safety at the oil and gas enterprises.

Author Biographies

D. M. Kostin, Kalashnikov ISTU


B. V. Sevast’yanov, Kalashnikov ISTU

DSc in Engineering, Professor

R. O. Shadrin, Kalashnikov ISTU

PhD in Engineering, Associate Professor


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How to Cite

Kostin Д. М., Sevast’yanov Б. В., & Shadrin Р. О. (2018). Relationship of Hazardous Conditions and Dangerous Actions of Personnel as the Causes of Fire Risk in Fuel Depots. Vestnik IzhGTU Imeni M.T. Kalashnikova, 21(2), 180–184.


