Professional Education in Area of Social Work in the Aspect of National Safety


  • G. V. Bushmeleva Kalashnikov ISTU
  • O. V. Solodyankina Udmurt State University



national security, educational potential, globalization, vocational training of workers, vocational education, social work, educational and professional mobility of students, professional culture


The issue of formation of professional mobility of future graduates of higher educational institutions is considered, which is regarded as a serious pedagogical problem. Its relevance is due to modern trends in the development of world science, technology, production, the development of the social sphere of society, the expansion of integration processes in the international educational, economic and scientific space. The paper is devoted to problems of professional education in training social workers in the aspect of strengthening national security and developing integrated national capacity. Attention is paid to the poorly understood problem of combining professional education and national security, but important for the development of science and the practice of professional training of workers in the field of social work. The role and content of higher education in the context of globalization and the integration of social work is described. In addition, the authors disclose the concept and essence of the educational and professional mobility of students as one of the components of professional culture. The authors rely on the data obtained as a result of their own experience, studying the practice of the department “Social Work” of the Udmurt State University. Analyzing these data, the authors believe that the issue of professional education of students in the field of social work as a condition for the sustainable development of society and its national security needs further study.

Author Biographies

G. V. Bushmeleva, Kalashnikov ISTU

PhD in Economimcs, Associate Professor

O. V. Solodyankina, Udmurt State University

PhD in Education, Associate Professor


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How to Cite

Bushmeleva Г. В., & Solodyankina О. В. (2018). Professional Education in Area of Social Work in the Aspect of National Safety. Vestnik IzhGTU Imeni M.T. Kalashnikova, 21(2), 226–231.


