Pedagogical Control of the Effectiveness of Technology of Physical Education of Students on the Basis of the Convergent Approach
pedagogical control, physical education, studentsAbstract
The basis of pedagogical control is the regularity of learning management: learning productivity depends on the intensity of feedbacks in the learning system and the validity of corrective actions. In addition, pedagogical control is carried out taking into account cybernetic laws: the effectiveness of training (within known limits) is directly proportional to the frequency and volume of feedback; the quality of knowledge depends on the effectiveness of control; the frequency control is a function of the duration of training. Pedagogical control in physical education of students of the developed technology represents a system of actions providing the check of the planned indicators of their attachment to physical culture, level of formation of the set higher education standards in general cultural competences, and also the level of physical preparedness including indicators of health, physical development, physical and functional preparedness. In the developed technology of physical education of students on the basis of convergent approach five types of pedagogical control are implemented to evaluate its effectiveness: preliminary, operational, current, stage and final. The main purpose of pedagogical control is to determine the relationship between the factors of influence (means, methods, physical activity) and the changes that occur in students in their sports activities, in the formation of general cultural competences, in a state of health, physical development, physical and functional preparedness.References
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