The Essay as a Literary Genre: Linguistic Problems and Translation Solutions
essay, style, linguistic problems, translation solutions, genre, translation activity, go-betweenAbstract
Translation plays an important role in the literary process as translated literature facilities access to the literature and culture of other nations. The paper investigates the characteristics of genre essay as a literary genre and discusses the nature of translation. Much attention is given to different definitions of the term of essay. Major themes that emerge in this kind of writing include the writer`s own observations and insights. This paper discusses the significance of the style of the original literary essay in translation. The author explores different ways of translating when the original authentic information should reach the recipient, because one of the crucial target of the go-between (translator) is to find an adequate explanation in order to preserve the meaning of the original of the text. This paper is also devoted to the linguistic problems in translating literary essays and reveals some pertinent solutions and also focuses on the need to expand the perimeters of translation activity. There should be more researches regarding the particular problems of translating literary essays.References
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