On the Question of Professional Training of Medical (Clinical) Psychologists with the Use of Remote Educational Technologies


  • I. V. Reverchuk Izhevsk State Medical Academy
  • N. V. Shishlina Kalashnikov ISTU




clinical (medical) psychologist, professional standard, work functions, additional professional education, professional retraining, modular approach, e-learning, distance learning technologies


The problem of determining the professional status of medical (clinical) psychologist in Russia is currently quite relevant. It is expressed in the dual name of the specialty, and in what universities should train these specialists: humanitarian or medical, and in the absence of harmonization of regulations governing the activities and requirements for the education of medical (clinical) psychologists. This problem is reinforced by the absence of an appropriate professional standard on the basis of which to develop an educational standard and to train professionals responsible for the maintenance and restoration of mental health of the population. The paper offers the author’s version of the list of labor functions, on the basis of which it would be possible to design a professional standard of clinical (medical) psychologist. Professional training of medical (clinical) psychologists can be organized on the basis of adaptive modular training, where each training module corresponds to a certain work function and is divided into a number of micro-modules, each of which is based on one of the work procedure described in the professional standard. The paper provides an example of such a modular organization of the educational process, and suggests its organization using distance learning technologies. E-learning can be used not only in the process of self-education of students, but also to organize an effective dialogue between students and the teacher (tutor) course. Blended learning with elements of internal studies and internal final certification would, in the opinion of the authors, be the most effective.

Author Biographies

I. V. Reverchuk, Izhevsk State Medical Academy

DSc in Medicine, Professor

N. V. Shishlina, Kalashnikov ISTU

PhD in Education, Associate Professor


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How to Cite

Reverchuk И. В., & Shishlina Н. В. (2018). On the Question of Professional Training of Medical (Clinical) Psychologists with the Use of Remote Educational Technologies. Vestnik IzhGTU Imeni M.T. Kalashnikova, 21(2), 242–247. https://doi.org/10.22213/2413-1172-2018-2-242-247


