Implementation of Principles of Effective Perception of Material in Establishment of Electronic Means of Training


  • Y. V. Krasavina Kalashnikov ISTU
  • T. A. Drozdova Kalashnikov ISTU



psychological principles, electronic educational resources, efficiency of perception


The paper is aimed at analyzing the principles for students’ effective perception of educational information, describing their implementation when developing electronic educational resources, and publishing preliminary survey results on using e-courses for managing students’ independent work in the framework of implementing these principles. In order to assess the influence of the form of presenting information in electronic educational resources, it is necessary to conduct large-scale research and pedagogical experiments with experimental groups. In this paper we publish the preliminary results of a survey at Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University, based on the opinion of students whose self-study was managed in the electronic environment. The presented results were based on analyzing questionnaires, pedagogical supervision and interviews with students. Preliminary results of the study on the implementation of the principles for effective perception of material while creating e-learning tools, obtained as a result of students’ work on the electronic course, are ambiguous. Students are positive about working with electronic educational resources, but their positive assessment is largely based on their lifestyle, rather than on the effectiveness of information perception. According to the survey, most students relate the difficulties in e-learning to the problem of remembering the information presented in e-course (93 %). However, 77 % of students would prefer managing their self-study by e-resources rather than conventional form of self-study.

Author Biographies

Y. V. Krasavina, Kalashnikov ISTU

PhD in Education

T. A. Drozdova, Kalashnikov ISTU


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How to Cite

Krasavina Ю. В., & Drozdova Т. А. (2018). Implementation of Principles of Effective Perception of Material in Establishment of Electronic Means of Training. Vestnik IzhGTU Imeni M.T. Kalashnikova, 21(2), 248–253.


