Laws of Technology Development and Improvement of Devices of Barreled Weapons


  • S. G. Seletkov Kalashnikov ISTU



laws of technology development, technical systems, barrel weapons, recoil momentum


Knowledge of laws of technology development helps in creation of various technical devices. Works are known in which a number of such laws is substantiated. As applied to the search of new technical solutions, the principal attention must be paid to the laws reflecting the main trends of their progressive development. In the present paper the author considers in details the most efficient laws of technology development, in particular: progressive evolution, stage development, increase in dynamics, aim to the ideal technical solution and several others as applied to the means of improving the barrel complexes. The reveal of this or that law of technology development is specified here. Increase in the system approach to considering the technical laws is achieved by application of the previously developed by the author system for classification of methods for deceasing the effect of recoil impulse. The consequent consideration of displaying the technical laws in “direct” and “indirect” methods of decreasing the effect of recoil impulse allows for increasing the level of novelty of design solutions; to create a definite style of designer thinking capable of monitoring the advanced trends of technical progress in barrel and artillery weapons.

Author Biography

S. G. Seletkov, Kalashnikov ISTU

DSc in Engineering, Professor


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How to Cite

Seletkov С. Г. (2018). Laws of Technology Development and Improvement of Devices of Barreled Weapons. Vestnik IzhGTU Imeni M.T. Kalashnikova, 21(3), 4–8.


