Optimal Modes Calculation of Sawing Titanium and Nylon Workpieces


  • E. I. Popova Kalashnikov ISTU




cutting modes, sawing, titanium, nylon, workpieces, optimization


The process of creating a machine begins with producing of workpieces. As a rule, the initial round bars or slabs of different cross-section workpieces are cut into single pieces. There is the variety of applied methods, equipment and cutting tools. Modern cutting tools manufacturers give recommendations on the range of the most appropriate cutting modes for different material groups. However, sometimes the recommended cutting modes ranges can not completely satisfy the consumer. The workpiece dimension, producing output, and the technological equipment possibilities greatly influence the productivity of processing, which the cutting tool consumer seeks for. That is why, to find the best processing modes, even within the range specified by the manufacturer, is relevant for any machine-building industry, where cutting a wide variety of materials is widely used. To manufacture machines not only metal materials, but structural plastics (titanium and Nylon 6) are also used. Each of these materials has its own characteristics and requires special processing modes. The applied mathematical models of the cutting process and the methodology of multifactor experiment allow us to determine the sawing modes and reduce the Titanium VT-01 and Nylon processing costs.

Author Biography

E. I. Popova, Kalashnikov ISTU

PhD in Engineering, Associate Professor


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How to Cite

Popova Е. И. (2018). Optimal Modes Calculation of Sawing Titanium and Nylon Workpieces. Vestnik IzhGTU Imeni M.T. Kalashnikova, 21(3), 9–12. https://doi.org/10.22213/2413-1172-2018-3-9-12


