Danger Identification of Receiving the Low-Quality Production from Polymeric Composite Material on the Example of Constructive Composite Fittings


  • Y. V. Ganziy Udmurt State University




composite polymeric fittings, problems of ensuring the quality of production, controlled parameters of production, standard providing of the organization of qualitative production


Composite polymeric fittings have been finding more and more application in construction. However, its almost uncontrollable constructive variety makes impossible the design of the responsible bearing constructions and products. On the one hand, the composite polymeric fittings have serious advantages in comparison with steel ones. But on the other hand, they form the list of questions and problems, and their broad and effective application in construction is impossible without solution of these problems. The systematic analysis of operations and the reasons for the possible production of low-quality products has been carried out on the basis of the construction of a logistic model of the technological process for the production of composite polymeric reinforcement. Specific indicators of control and automatic regulation of process parameters have been formed. The operational structure of the controlled parameters has been determined, that must be reflected in the technical conditions for the manufacture of composite polymeric reinforcement for the guaranteed production of high-quality products. Analytically, it has been proved that the identifiers of the dangers of obtaining low-quality products are the lack of control, regulation and registration of process parameters.

Author Biography

Y. V. Ganziy, Udmurt State University


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How to Cite

Ganziy Ю. В. (2018). Danger Identification of Receiving the Low-Quality Production from Polymeric Composite Material on the Example of Constructive Composite Fittings. Vestnik IzhGTU Imeni M.T. Kalashnikova, 21(3), 13–19. https://doi.org/10.22213/2413-1172-2018-3-13-19


