Reconstruction of Measured Characteristics of Sources of Acoustic Emission During Testing of Metal Structures in Mechanical Engineering


  • А. L. Bobrov Siberian State Transport University
  • A. A. Popkov Siberian State Transport University



acoustic emission, amplitude distribution, emitter, metal construction, sensitivity threshold, signals quantity, frequency distribution


The use of acoustic-emission (AE) non-destructive testing of metal engineering structures in the long term makes it possible to associate the flow parameters obtained by this method with the characteristics of the state of the object. However, the numerical values of the stream parameters of the AE strongly depend on the sensitivity of the equipment, the unevenness of which for different conditions and objects can significantly fluctuate. In this paper, studies are made that allow using the amplitude distributions of the registered AE signals obtained during the investigation to reconstruct the total number of AE signals and the total energy at a given sensitivity level for a correct assessment of the state of the metal structure. Acoustic-emission information was registered from sources in the form of indentation and fatigue crack during static tests. As a result of the processing of the results, it is established that the AE signals have a power-law coupling of the frequency of the distribution with the amplitude for both types of sources with a high correlation coefficient. The oscillations of the parameters of the power law depend significantly on different stages of development of the sources. Using the experimentally obtained relationship between the frequency of occurrence of AE events and the amplitude, it is possible to reconstruct the total number of AE signals and the total energy at a given sensitivity level, which is different from the real threshold. Such a method allows to stabilize the flow parameters of AE when using them for estimating the state and predicting the life of metal structures.

Author Biographies

А. L. Bobrov, Siberian State Transport University

PhD in Engineering, Associate Professor

A. A. Popkov, Siberian State Transport University



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How to Cite

Bobrov А. Л., & Popkov А. А. (2018). Reconstruction of Measured Characteristics of Sources of Acoustic Emission During Testing of Metal Structures in Mechanical Engineering. Vestnik IzhGTU Imeni M.T. Kalashnikova, 21(3), 31–37.


