Evolution of Gas Muzzle Devices on AK Series


  • L. A. Galagan Kalashnikov ISTU
  • R. Y. Sakhratov JSC “Techkrim”
  • D. V. Chirkov Kalashnikov ISTU




feedback, tipping points, muzzle brake-compensators


Due to the natural location of the force factors arising from the shot and the operation of automation, the machine makes a spatial movement, leading to the deviation of the point of contact from the aiming point. The main acting force that leads to the movement of weapons up and to the right is the recoil force, the reduction of which is provided by the introduction of muzzle brakes, and the stabilization of the position by using muzzle gas compensators. The first attempt to influence the stability was the use of a muzzle compensator in the AKM machine. The compensator is an oblique-cut nozzle, additionally deployed relative to its axis, which creates moments opposite to the created recoil force, and reduces the movement of weapons. In the muzzle devices of small arms (brakes-compensators), a combination of reducing the recoil force and compensating effects when removing gas through the side nozzles of the brake is used. The AK-74 muzzle brake provides intensive gas removal through the side nozzles, which reduces the reaction of powder gases and the recoil force in the axial direction. The main compensating effect in the plane of fire is provided by an oblique cut of the side nozzles, and in the small arms horizon by a gas flow through the small nozzle on the main body of the brake. In the two-chamber muzzle brake AK-74M, nozzles of the first chamber have different areas, which provides a compensating effect in the horizon of the weapon. Execution of the side nozzles of the chambers reduces the movement of weapons in the plane of fire. For the brakes of AK-74 and AK-74M, the characteristics of efficiency in axial and lateral directions are calculated; the practical uniqueness of the efficiency parameters is shown with an acceptable level of sound impact of the shot on the gunner.

Author Biographies

L. A. Galagan, Kalashnikov ISTU

DSc in Engineering, Professor

R. Y. Sakhratov, JSC “Techkrim”

D. V. Chirkov, Kalashnikov ISTU

PhD in Engineering


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Там же.

Галаган Л. А., Чирков Д. В. Компенсаторы опрокидывающих моментов автомата АК-74 // Вестник ИжГТУ. 2012. № 2. С. 26-29.

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How to Cite

Galagan Л. А., Sakhratov Р. Ю., & Chirkov Д. В. (2018). Evolution of Gas Muzzle Devices on AK Series. Vestnik IzhGTU Imeni M.T. Kalashnikova, 21(3), 44–50. https://doi.org/10.22213/2413-1172-2018-3-44-50


