Creation and Approbation of Online Services for Choosing a Strategy for Attracting Customers and Increasing the Conversion of an Online Store
online store, Internet commerce, expert review, conversion, website promotionAbstract
The paper considers the aspects of the process of promoting online stores and ways to increase the conversion. To identify the factors influencing the choice of these methods, a collective expert assessment was conducted using the methods of preferences vectors and Delphi, during which a framework of rules for each of the strategies for the identified factors was formed. Centering on the rules base, the code was developed in the php programming language and an online service was created to select a strategy for increasing the conversion of online stores. This service was tested for the general group of goods of two really existing young online stores, where the use of the developed service was clearly shown, during which 6 variants of strategies were proposed for promotion of this group of products in online stores, and the selection of priority ones with a small budget and other factors. The developed service will help entrepreneurs to rationally use the money, choosing exclusively effective ways to increase the conversion of online stores, avoiding unnecessary costs for those strategies to attract customers. In turn, this will contribute to the growth of the number of orders and profits, and accordingly to influence the development of business.References
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