Introduction of Controlling in the Industrial Park Management System to Improve the Efficiency of Resident Enterprises


  • O. L. Simchenko Kalashnikov ISTU



controlling, industrial parks, efficient functioning, “coordinator”, system management, efficiency criteria, management company


Currently, controlling in the economy is a modern tool to improve the efficiency of production management of any business entity in various branches, including industry. Integration of controlling into the management system of the industrial park prompts to optimize and balance based on the coordination function, the process of achieving the goals facing resident enterprises, to increase the efficiency of their activities. The paper substantiates the expediency of implementing controlling in the industrial park management system to solve the problems of increasing the efficiency of industrial enterprises-residents. To do this, we review and summarize the existing approaches to the definition of the concept of controlling on the basis of various domestic and foreign sources, according to which the main target formats are identified, it is concluded that in a constantly changing environment, controlling is undergoing changes and is constantly evolving. Particular attention is paid to the definition of the main tasks of controlling the external and internal environment of the industrial park. The directions of controlling the internal environment of an industrial park are schematically presented. The main controlling criteria are determined, allowing to measure the efficiency of its processes, on the basis of which the functions performed by controlling are formulated. In order to achieve the prospective formats of their development for the industrial park and, in particular, for the enterprises functioning in them, including the increase in the efficiency of their production activities in the changing market conditions, the author developed a controlling structure for the management system of the industrial park.

Author Biography

O. L. Simchenko, Kalashnikov ISTU



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How to Cite

Simchenko О. Л. (2018). Introduction of Controlling in the Industrial Park Management System to Improve the Efficiency of Resident Enterprises. Vestnik IzhGTU Imeni M.T. Kalashnikova, 21(3), 85–90.


