Development and Improvement of Enterprise Management System Processes Using BPMN 2.0 Notation


  • L. A. Ibragimova Kalashnikov ISTU
  • O. N. Baburina Kalashnikov ISTU



ELMA, process approach, business process, BPMN 2.0 notation, reengineering, modeling, graphic model, process characteristic, process map


The paper is devoted to the development and improvement of the management system processes of a particular enterprise. The expediency of optimizing business processes using the process approach for improving the enterprise's performance is examined using the example of «ResursTrans» Ltd. In this paper, theoretical aspects of the process approach, modeling and improvement of the business process are disclosed. When compiling the organizational structure, it was revealed that the company has a functional approach. In the works it is proved that the functional approach is inferior to the process one, and the main advantages of the process approach are described. In a detailed analysis of the “Dispatch” process, the company identified the main characteristics of the process (inputs and outputs, consumers / suppliers of inputs and outputs, operation names, a brief description of each operation and their implementers) and developed a graphical process model using BPMN 2.0 notation, as well as the capabilities of the ELMA Community Edition software for modeling a particular process are described. The paper shows step-by-step development of the graphic model. The work revealed the elements of BPMN 2.0, such as: responsibility zone, user task, gateways, etc. Following the example of this model, the designer compiled a map of all the enterprise processes. After modeling of business processes, a method of brainstorming was used to select a specific process with the aim of improving it and automating it. The “bottlenecks” of the process, shown on the graphical model, and suggestions for improvement have been identified. Models are developed “as it is” and “as it should be”. After reengineering, a “tablet project”, the so-called “driver terminal” was introduced to automate the process, reduce costs, and reduce the overall process time.

Author Biographies

L. A. Ibragimova, Kalashnikov ISTU

PhD in Economics, Associate Professor

O. N. Baburina, Kalashnikov ISTU



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How to Cite

Ibragimova Л. А., & Baburina О. Н. (2018). Development and Improvement of Enterprise Management System Processes Using BPMN 2.0 Notation. Vestnik IzhGTU Imeni M.T. Kalashnikova, 21(3), 91–99.


