Approbation of the Method of Evaluating the Investment Attractiveness of an Enterprise on the Basis of Open Information
investment attractiveness, investment attractiveness estimation method, investors, investment activity, factors and indicators of investment attractivenessAbstract
Investments are the most important condition for the effective operation of the enterprise. To date, the investment activity of Russian enterprises is characterized as unfavorable, due to the unrelenting influence of various factors. Investors do not want to invest their money in a country, industry or enterprise, where the risk of losing investments is too high. The main conditions for investment are two components: acceptable risk and return on investment. The investor should be sure that he can not only return the invested funds, but also get additional income. An investment attractiveness of the company plays an important role in this. Its evaluation allows the investor to generate objective information for making a decision on the attractiveness of the investment project, which helps minimize the risk of investing. The investor needs to evaluate many factors that determine the effectiveness of future investments. However, in the absence of a unified method for assessing the investment attractiveness of an enterprise, the investor has a problem in selecting indicators for carrying out this assessment. The paper demonstrates the possibility of applying the method of assessing the investment attractiveness of an enterprise based on information from open sources. The information base for approbation of the method was published open data of food industry enterprises, namely, manufacturers of pasta. On the basis of the received evaluation, a conclusion is made about the level of investment attractiveness of each enterprise.References
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