Building a System for Monitoring and Testing Radio Systems As an IoT Element


  • V. V. Khvorenkov Kalashnikov ISTU
  • A. I. Nistyuk Kalashnikov ISTU
  • R. A. Khatbullin Kalashnikov ISTU
  • A. A. Zykin Kalashnikov ISTU



telecommunication devices, radio engineering systems, IoT technology, Internet of things, testing


Interaction of networks of various levels has revealed in emergence of such a concept as “The Internet of things”. Development of the area of “The Internet of things” without radio channel is impossible. The radio channel provides one of the main advantages - mobility of objects and mobile reconfiguration of structure. Creation of structure “industrial Internet” concerning creation of a control system and testing of systems of a radio communication is the corresponding task. As one of options of construction and organization “industrial Internet” as an element of “The Internet of things”, authors consider a control system and testing of systems of a radio communication constructed on the basis of devices and the equipment Rohde&Schwarz. The main opportunities of instrumentations and the measuring equipment and the software as a part of the offered system of the remote management with architecture of IoT are: - formation of radio signals with various types of modulation (manipulation) at various frequencies; - imitation of signals of radio-noise; - imitation of two-way systems; - imitation of transfer and reception of various types (protocols) of digital data; - measurement of parameters of radio signals, their check (for example, with results of mathematical modeling) and preservation in the database; - performance of testing of products, measurement of parameters. Modeling of formation of radio signals is executed in the environment of design of LabVIEW and by means of the universal programmable USRPX300 transceiver. Development of architecture of IoT (“The Internet of things”) in the direction of statements “the industrial Internet” as the IoT element, allows to carry out tasks of creation of control systems and testing of products of radio engineering. Advantages of the offered structure: - it is possible to create several universal centers of level of networks of IoT sensors for rendering of services on a research, testing and control of products of radio engineering, with use of universal expensive equipment, for example R&S and other firms which a number of organizations and educational institutions isn't able to provide; - use of IoT technologies to allow to have remote access from the level of annexes to the centers of level of networks of sensors and to solve problems in independence of the physical arrangement which can be also relevant during development and production of various elements of a product by various firms divided territorially; - the IoT technology can be used for other control systems except the systems of radio engineering where there is a possibility of remote interaction of elements of system, for example for safety control mutually of granting internal elements of design of an object.

Author Biographies

V. V. Khvorenkov, Kalashnikov ISTU

DSc in Engineering, Professor

A. I. Nistyuk, Kalashnikov ISTU

DSc in Engineering, Professor

R. A. Khatbullin, Kalashnikov ISTU

PhD in Engineering

A. A. Zykin, Kalashnikov ISTU

Master’s Degree Student


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How to Cite

Khvorenkov В. В., Nistyuk А. И., Khatbullin Р. А., & Zykin А. А. (2018). Building a System for Monitoring and Testing Radio Systems As an IoT Element. Vestnik IzhGTU Imeni M.T. Kalashnikova, 21(3), 155–165.


