Kompensatsiya dreyfa tverdotel'nogo volnovogo giroskopa


  • G. A. Trutnev Kalashnikov ISTU
  • S. B. Nazarov Kalashnikov ISTU
  • K. K. Perevoschikov Kalashnikov ISTU
  • A. V. Schenyatskii Kalashnikov ISTU




measuring device, hemispherical resonator gyro, device errors, drift, drift compensation, spline


In the paper the measuring instrument the Solid-state Wave Gyroscope working in the mode of free oscillations is considered. Because of different errors the effect of Brian which is the cornerstone of operation of the instrument is distorted. The phenomena are considered distorting the Brian's effect and worsening the instrument accuracy - the inherent leaving of a wave (drift), and nonlinearity of an output signal, noise. Origins of drift and nonlinearity are given. The general task and a technique of increase in instrument accuracy due to use of models of drift and nonlinearity is formulated. Approaches to assessment of values of speed of drift of a wave and nonlinearity of an output signal for processing and obtaining parameters which will be used further in the operating instrument for increase in accuracy of an output signal are given. The factors influencing the drift of a solid-state wave gyroscope are studied. Different existing drift models are given. Shortcomings and features of the existing models are described. Need of account for a model of temperature influences is justified. The dependence of resonance frequency on temperature is given. The possibility of use of values of resonance frequency in working the instrument is justified. For assessment of parameters of drift it is offered to use the model of two variables. The dependence on the angular provision of a wave is approximated by harmonic functions; the dependence of drift on resonance frequency is offered to be approximated by means of splines. Formulas for calculation of parameters by results of drift measurements are derived. Features of the offered model are analyzed. The model can be used both for approximation of data, and for the subsequent compensating of an error in working the instrument. The possibility of using the received model for researches of dependence of drift on heating up speed is described.

Author Biographies

G. A. Trutnev, Kalashnikov ISTU


S. B. Nazarov, Kalashnikov ISTU


K. K. Perevoschikov, Kalashnikov ISTU


A. V. Schenyatskii, Kalashnikov ISTU

DSc in Engineering, Professor


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How to Cite

Trutnev Г. А., Nazarov С. Б., Perevoschikov К. К., & Schenyatskii А. В. (2018). Kompensatsiya dreyfa tverdotel’nogo volnovogo giroskopa. Vestnik IzhGTU Imeni M.T. Kalashnikova, 21(3), 198–204. https://doi.org/10.22213/2413-1172-2018-3-198-204


