Development of the Ability to Self-Organization as a Factor of Competitiveness of the Future Teacher


  • O. F. Shikhova Kalashnikov ISTU
  • E. K. Glukhova Kalashnikov ISTU



self-organization, competence of self-organization, educational and professional activity, target component, reflexive component, personal component, algorithm of the organization


In the proposed paper, the concept of “self-organization” and the developmental problem of students oriented to pedagogical activity, the ability to self-organization is considered. The structure of the competence of self-organization is given; the characteristic of its main components is given: target, reflexive and personal. The description of the business game “Interview” aimed at developing the students' ability to self-organization as a factor of competitiveness of future teachers of vocational training in the regional labor market is presented. The algorithm for organizing a business game is considered, and its main stages are described: preparatory, organizational, game, reflexive. The educational, developmental and educational tasks of the game and the functions performed by its participants - students studying in the field of training “Vocational training (by industry)” are disclosed. Experimental data on the dynamics of the level of development of the ability to self-organize students during the game is presented in the form of diagrams. Interpretation of the obtained data is given taking into account the time frame of the game, which shows that the business game “Interview”, developed taking into account the structure of the competence of self-organization, as well as the specifics of the types and tasks of professional and pedagogical activity, contributes to the development of the ability of students - future professional teachers training for self-organization.

Author Biographies

O. F. Shikhova, Kalashnikov ISTU

DSc in Education, Professor

E. K. Glukhova, Kalashnikov ISTU



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How to Cite

Shikhova О. Ф., & Glukhova Е. К. (2018). Development of the Ability to Self-Organization as a Factor of Competitiveness of the Future Teacher. Vestnik IzhGTU Imeni M.T. Kalashnikova, 21(3), 213–219.


