Professional Development of the Beginner Teacher of Professional Education


  • E. A. Emelyanova AOU DPO UR “Institute for the Development of Education”



professional educational organization, beginner teacher, professional development, internal system training


In the paper the problems of formation of pedagogical staff of the professional educational organization realizing the programs of secondary vocational education are revealed. Special attention is paid to the problems of professional development of beginner teachers, including those who do not have basic pedagogical education. There are suggestions of possible ways to solve these problems, in particular, the conditions for the organization of a system of in-service training within an educational organization aimed at the professional development of beginner teachers are considered. The revealed organizational, pedagogical, psychological, pedagogical and didactic conditions necessary for the effective functioning of such a system should ensure: the possibility of constructing an individual plan of professional development that takes into account the educational needs and professional difficulties of the beginner teacher and aimed at his professional development; designing an individual trajectory of professional development of a beginner teacher and the corresponding methodical complex, including electronic educational resources; motivated diagnostic and prognostic activity of the beginner teacher, which allows to reveal the level of his professional development and track the progress along an individual trajectory; creation of positive motivation for all participants in the process of professional development; providing psychological and emotional comfort of the professional environment of a beginner teacher through the development of a system of assistance and support in the design and implementation of an individual training program.

Author Biography

E. A. Emelyanova, AOU DPO UR “Institute for the Development of Education”



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How to Cite

Emelyanova Е. А. (2018). Professional Development of the Beginner Teacher of Professional Education. Vestnik IzhGTU Imeni M.T. Kalashnikova, 21(3), 220–223.


