Technique for the Development of Supporting Notes on Physics for Undergraduate Students


  • Y. A. Shikhov Kalashnikov ISTU
  • V. P. Repin Kalashnikov ISTU



supporting notes, model of development of supporting notes, target, design, organizational and diagnostic blocks of the model, secondary vocational education system


The author’s model of development of reference notes on physics is considered in the paper, which allows to optimize the process of development of notes, and to activate cognitive activity of students of organizations of the system of secondary vocational training. The blocks of the model (target, design, organizational, diagnostic) that reflect the movement from competently-oriented goals of creating reference notes to the result of their application in practice are characterized - optimization of the process of preparing students in the system of secondary vocational education. Didactic conditions for the development of reference notes on physics used in working with students of secondary vocational education are formulated. It is noted that the use of reference notes provides a high level of motivation for students to study the physics course. It is shown that the proposed model can be used by both active teachers and students oriented toward pedagogical activity. At the same time, the paper specifies that the creation of reference notes requires a great deal of time for the teacher in preparing for the lesson, selecting material and additional literature. All this serves, as a rule, the reason for the decrease in the popularity of the application of reference notes when teaching disciplines such as physics. On the other hand, the authors note the increase in the effectiveness of the educational process, which manifests itself in the form of student achievement.

Author Biographies

Y. A. Shikhov, Kalashnikov ISTU

DSc in Education, Professor

V. P. Repin, Kalashnikov ISTU



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How to Cite

Shikhov Ю. А., & Repin В. П. (2018). Technique for the Development of Supporting Notes on Physics for Undergraduate Students. Vestnik IzhGTU Imeni M.T. Kalashnikova, 21(3), 224–229.


