Methods and Devices of Control of Phase Composition, Electrical and Magnetic Properties of Chromium-Nickel Steels
austenite, ferrite, strain-induced martensite, phase analysis, scanning probe microscopy, specific electrical resistance, magnetic permeabilityAbstract
This paper is devoted to the problems of phase analysis and control of the content of various phases in corrosion-resistant chromium-nickel steels of austenitic and austenitic-ferritic classes widely used in various branches of modern industry and machine building. The first part of the paper presents the results of studies of the relationship between the electrical properties and the phase composition of samples of steels being studied, both in the initial state and after their plastic deformation. Using the scanning probe microscope by means of the atomic-force and electro-power (Kelvin probe method) microscopy, images of the surface of the samples were obtained. Analysis of the image data makes it possible to determine the changes in the phase composition of austenitic and austenitic-ferritic steels after plastic deformation. With the help of scanning probe microscope using atomic-force and electro-power (Kelvin probe method) microscopy, images of the surface of the samples were obtained. Analysis of the image data makes it possible to determine the changes in the phase composition of austenitic and austenitic-ferritic steels after plastic deformation. It has also been found that the decay of the austenite phase due to deformation effects and the subsequent formation of a strain-induced martensite leads to a change in the electrical resistivity of the samples, the magnitude of which can be judged on the amount of a strain-induced martensite formed. In the second part of the paper new instrument developments are developed for express (including non-destructive) control of electrical and magnetic properties of austenitic steels. Timely and reliable control of these properties is necessary for qualitative and quantitative assessment of the phase composition of products both after their manufacture and during operation.References
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